How to Read the Un Climate Report

A contempo cess from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition institute that cut farming-related marsh gas emissions would be key in the battle against climate alter. But how tin the world exercise that? Read on for the answers.

Where does methane come from?

Agronomics is the predominant source.

Livestock emissions – from manure and gastroenteric releases – account for roughly 32 per cent of human being-acquired methane emissions. Population growth, economic development and urban migration have stimulated unprecedented demand for fauna protein and with the global population approaching x billion, this hunger is expected to increase by upward to lxx per cent by 2050.

Agricultural methane doesn't simply come from animals, though. Paddy rice cultivation – in which flooded fields prevent oxygen from penetrating the soil, creating ideal conditions for marsh gas-emitting bacteria – accounts for another 8 per cent of human being-linked emissions.

What'south the big deal well-nigh methane?

Methane is the principal contributor to the formation of ground-level ozone, a hazardous air pollutant and greenhouse gas, exposure to which causes 1 million premature deaths every year. Marsh gas is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Over a xx-year menstruum, it is lxxx times more stiff at warming than carbon dioxide.

Methane has accounted for roughly 30 per cent of global warming since pre-industrial times and is proliferating faster than at any other fourth dimension since record keeping began in the 1980s. In fact, according to data from the U.s. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Assistants, even as carbon dioxideemissions decelerated during the pandemic-related lockdowns of 2020, atmospheric methane shot upwardly.

How can we reduce methane emissions?

UNEP Food Systems and Agronomics Counselor James Lomax says the globe needs to begin by "rethinking our approaches to agronomical tillage and livestock production." That includes leveraging new technology, shifting towards constitute-rich diets and embracing alternative sources of protein. Lomax says that volition exist primal if humanity is to slash greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to 1.5°C, a target of the Paris climatic change agreement.

Woman dehusking grains
Photo: Unsplash / Tuan Anh Tran

Can farmers help in the campaign to cut methane emissions?

Yes. They can provide animals with more nutritious feed so that they are larger, healthier and more productive, finer producing more than with less. Scientists are too experimenting with alternative types of feed to reduce the methane produced by cows and looking at ways to manage manure more than efficiently by covering it, composting it, or using it to produce biogas.

When it comes to staple crops like paddy rice, experts recommend alternate wetting and drying approaches that could halve emissions. Rather than allowing the continuous flooding of fields, paddies could be irrigated and drained two to three times throughout the growing season, limiting methane production without impacting yield. That procedure would also require i-tertiary less water, making it more than economic.

Volition reducing methane really help counter climate change?

Yes. Carbon dioxide remains in the temper for hundreds to thousands of years. This means that even if emissions were immediately and dramatically reduced it would not take an effect on the climate until later in the century. But information technology takes only about a decade for methane to break downwards. So, reducing methane emissions now would have an impact in the well-nigh term and is critical for helping keep the world on a path to i.5°C.

How much methane tin can we really cut?

Human-caused methane emissions could be reduced past as much every bit 45 per cent inside the decade. This would avert virtually 0.3°C of global warming past 2045, helping to limit global temperature rise to 1.5˚C and putting the planet on track to achieve the Paris Agreement targets. Every twelvemonth, the subsequent reduction in ground-level ozone would also prevent 260,000 premature deaths, 775,000 asthma-related hospital visits, 73 billion hours of lost labour from extreme heat and 25 million tonnes of ingather losses.

What is the United Nations doing to help limit methane emissions?

A lot. UN Secretary-General António Guterres will convene the United nations Food Systems Height in September 2021, which aims to help brand farming and food production more environmentally friendly.

In the meantime, the UN'southward Koronivia Articulation Work on Agriculture initiative is supporting the transformation of agricultural and nutrient systems, focusing on how to maintain productivity amongst a changing climate. Representatives are too working to mainstream agriculture into the Un Framework Convention on Climate change and will agree discussions at the United nations Climate Modify Conference (COP26), later this year.

For more information near agriculture and clean air, contact Tiy Chung: tiy.chung@united

Every year, on seven September, the earth celebrates the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies.  The day aims to heighten awareness and facilitate actions to improve air quality. It is a global call to find new ways of doing things, to reduce the amount of air pollution we crusade, and ensure that anybody, everywhere tin can enjoy their right to breathe clean air.  The theme of the second annual International Day of Clear Air for blue skies, facilitated by the United nations Environment Program (UNEP), is "Healthy Air, Healthy Planet."


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